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Contraception Specialist

Generations Women's Healthcare

Gynecology located in Norton, OH & Cuyahoga Falls, OH

You have more choices than ever before for birth control that fits your lifestyle, schedule, and future pregnancy plans. Susan Clark, MD, and Lindsay Smith, PA-C, at Generations Women’s Healthcare, located in Norton and Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, provide the quality medical care and information you need to experience the best health possible. For a detailed discussion regarding the many contraception choices available and an expert recommendation, schedule a visit today. Call the office or request an appointment online.

Contraception Q&A

What are the available types of contraception?

Contraception, often referred to as birth control, includes permanent (sterilization) and temporary pregnancy prevention.

For women who do not want any more children or have no plans for a family, a minimally invasive surgical procedure (tubal ligation) may be the most effective and perhaps simplest birth control solution. Tubal ligation takes about 30 minutes, and healing is typically quick. While the procedure is sometimes reversible, you should consider tubal ligation permanent.

Temporary birth control options can prevent sperm from reaching an egg, stop ovulation for a time, or prevent a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus.

These contraception methods include:

  • Barrier methods such as condoms or diaphragm
  • Non-hormonal prescription vaginal gel
  • Birth control pills
  • Hormone therapy delivered via vaginal rings, patches, or injections
  • Intrauterine device (IUD) or implant under the skin of the arm that can remain in place and effective for years

Each type of temporary birth control has a variety of benefits that may affect your choice.

How do I know which type of birth control is right for me? 

Women typically choose birth control based on its effectiveness and ease of use, as well as the other benefits versus the possible side effects of various options. 

If you are planning to get pregnant soon, for instance, you may prefer an option that does not change your menstrual cycle and only temporarily interferes with fertility. Condoms do not affect your cycle but are only about 87% effective at preventing pregnancy. They do, however, offer protection against certain sexually transmitted infections. 

IUDs and Nexplanon® implants are more than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy and can remain in place for years. Birth control pills require taking a pill daily, but you can stop them at any time.

Other factors such as your age and overall physical health may also influence your decision about birth control.

Before you select any form of contraception, your Generations Women’s Healthcare provider discusses the pros and cons of each and the type they might recommend based on your physical exam, personal preference, and other considerations.

What is the difference between contraception implants and IUDs?

Both implants and IUDs offer highly effective birth control that lasts for many years. They’re generally maintenance-free once in place and valued for their ease of use.

The Nexplanon implant, injected just under the skin of your upper inner arm during an office visit, releases a steady but low-level dose of progestin into your bloodstream to prevent pregnancy. Nexplanon typically remains effective for three years.

An IUD, a small medical device coated with a hormone and inserted into the uterus via the vagina with a small tube, can prevent pregnancy for three to seven years. One type of IUD, coated with copper, may remain effective for up to 10 years.

For contraception that’s safe, easy, and in tune with your lifestyle, schedule a visit at Generations Women’s Healthcare today. Call the nearest office or request an appointment online